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Dependency Management

Stakeholders’ View
Ticket Alerts

Smooth Sailing with No Hiccups

Keep your project running hiccup-free by managing inter-team dependencies between tasks and team members.


Multi-Stakeholder and Multi-Organizational View : A Comprehensive Project Snapshot

Get a panoramic view of your project's progress and potential roadblocks across your organization.


No Hurdles Left Behind

Receive real-time alerts for blocked tickets and other potential obstacles, ensuring progress and timely release.


Project Management

Sprint Burndown
Scope Change

Sprint Burndown & Forecast : Stay on Track, Always

Stay ahead of the curve with accurate forecasting and sprint management to ensure your project's success.


Manage Scope Change with Project/Sprint Health Prediction : Stay in Control

Stay in control of your scope changes, adjusting project and sprint health predictions accordingly.


Release Management

Accelerated Releases
Release Forecast
Risk Analysis

Faster RTM at Your Fingertips

Make informed decisions about your project's release and delivery, ensuring faster time-to-market.


Forecast from Release Burndown : Predict Success, Optimize Objectives

Predict project and sprint health, aligning your upcoming objectives for a successful release.


Risk Identification and Backlog Tracking : Stay Ahead of the Curve

Identify potential risks and tackle them before they evolve into significant problems/blockages.


Seamless Collaboration for Global Teams Assured

Avail Code Ledger’s unique features for enhanced team collaboration, productivity, and project insights for frictionless development and faster time-to-market.